
Showing posts from February, 2012

Good Plan Delivery Makes A Good Planholder

When a sales counselor delivers a plan, he has the opportunity to make his planholder conscious of the value of his plan. By a hasty lack of graciousness, he will give the impression that he is only interested in his commission. On the other hand, by explaining the plan thoroughly, he can leave the planholder with a feeling of satisfaction that will result in persistent business, the possibility of a repeat sale, and his referral of a likely new prospect. Make sure that the planholder fully understands his plan, and that he has a clear conception of its benefits. This can be accomplished by reviewing all benefits with him when you deliver the contract. The counselor should try to increase the planholder’s confidence in him by perhaps writing a memo and inserted on the plan at the time of delivery – to get acceptance as his personal counselor or adviser, someone to count on in the future. This is the time to lay the foundation of a continuing, profitable relationship. Some ...

Planning for Effective Selling

A counselor must always plan his activities both long term and short term. Each activity must contribute, at a minimum of time, towards the achievement of the overall goals. I plan my sales operation along three main lines: prospecting , presentation , and the regular call-back .  PROSPECTING My main preoccupation of course is prospecting for this is the wellspring of my future clients. I cannot think of any of my planholders who was not once a prospect or name in my list book. My most fruitful methods of prospecting is the referral and center-of-influence. Initially the captive market can yield the bulk of a counselor’s production, but that will eventually be exhausted. That is why you just have to professionalize your style and not just rely on your “comadre” or “compadre” who signs the papers after some pleasantries here and there, or some arm-twisting now and then. I have set aside a small box with index cards in it. The cards contain the names, addresse...